Seisia and Bamaga: the tip of Australia

Cape York is the name given to the peninsula from James Cook in 1770, but it wasn't until 1848 that the first adventures arrived to Cape York. The expedition was directed by Edmond Kennedy, he intended to to reach the tip of Australia, but unfortunately he was killed by the hand of a local Aborigine. His expedition was unsuccessful because Kennedy lost eight of his men in Weymouth Bay and other four in Shelburne Bay before he was killed. The surviver Jacky Jacky, a young Aboriginal man was the one who achieved to reach the tip of Australia, completing the journey alone, leaving other two survivors behind. 
In the peninsula then a telegraph line was built in 1887 by John Bradford. It was connected to Thursday Island via an underwater cable; all the line allowed communication with Brisbane and operated until 1987.
In the 1900's Francis Birtles reached the top of Cape York on his bicycle and after that the first car reached it in 1928. Now every 4 WD can access to the unsealed route and have a look to the tip of Australia where it's possible to climb easily the hill and take photographs of the far northern point of the big island. 

Seisia is located just 40km south to the tip of Australia and is the most northern community on mainland. It was the first settlement of a family that came from Saibai Island in 1948. Sabai Island is one of the Torres Strait Island, the far northern one, close to Papa New Guinea and the boarder. 
There's not too many amenities in Seisia, just the essential to camp and eat, but the atmosphere of the place is really nice and enjoyable. Based on wild nature, there are kilometres of tropical beaches on both sides of the wharf and palm trees in every corner of the town. The atmosphere gets magic during sunset time when the sky turns orange and red or during the day when it's possible enjoy the relax pace of the place and be totally connected to nature and animals in the place: horses are all around the town and the streets that connect Seisia to Bamaga and the other small communities nearby.
Bamaga is the main town of the area, with supermarket, post office and government services. It's located 8 km from Seisia and it's the place where to start the adventurous route for the tip of Australia that takes approximately 1 hour on a funny unsealed track.
In Seisia there's the ferry that departs from Thursday Island every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday early in the morning, 8am, with return around 4 pm in the afternoon. I found the ferry very comfortable, it offers an efficient service, showing a dvd about Thursday Island that provides some information about the history and the lifestyle of the island.

One picture taken in Seisia:


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