
Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio, 2014

Pensando….in Tasmania

Mamma dice di scrivere in italiano così può leggere anche lei il mio blog…allora lo faccio!! Ho un po' di tempo libero prima di prender il pullman che mi porta all'aeroporto per tornare a Melbourne. Son di ritorno da 20 giorni passati in Tasmania, 20 giorni che sono volati e non mi son nemmeno resa conto di aver trascorso qui. Ho passato 15 dei giorni girovagando e guidando in giro. Il tempo è volato visto tutti i posti che sono riuscita a vedere e di cui ho scritto nel mio post in inglese. Un breve riassunto della mia esperienza è che non sono stata molto affascinata da molti dei posti a primo acchito, ma ora dopo esser riuscita a rilassarmi un poco, posso dire che la Tasmania è un posto da vivere e non solo da visitare, in quanto bella in tutto ciò che ha da offrire. Per vivere intendo riuscire a passare più di mezza giornata in un posto e arrivare ad apprezzare la bellezza di tale posto. Hobart risulta molto più bella dopo che viene conosciuta, dopo aver scoperto Sal...

Tasmania..the devil's island!!

Tasmania is either not too small or full of activities to do. If you plan to go to Tasmania for a week, you can see the major touristic place, rushing from morning to night and you end up not enjoy the island at all. This island needs time to be explored, needs time to be appreciated and needs time to be seen. In every corner of Tasmania there is a particular view, country town, wildlife spot, bushwalking track and much other.. Hobart is the big city, it isn't comparable to the big cities of the mainland, but it is huge compared to other tasmanian city. Salamanca place is my favourite spot in the city and is a stylish and beautiful area with nice caffe, restaurants, pubs and shops. Launceston is full of life and young people and it has its own vibe. It can resemble Hobart, same mall style, same shops and similarities but I liked it more. I honestly loved the north of Tasmania more than the south, probably because of some incredible beaches, such as Binalong Bay, in Bay of Fir...

Melbourne, the vibrant city - VIC

Melbourne captured me with its vivid and vibrant lifestyle. I've been here less than two days and I feel that I like this city so far, at least I can realise now why everybody kept tell me you will like it ;) Less than two days and I know already part of the city and the public transportation system, so easy to understand and use, so easy to ride with the myki pass, a card for train, buses and tram services. The city circle tram is free and goes around the city loop: on the tram there's a narrative voice explaining what to do around the city and which areas go and visit. At every stop, informations about the surrounding are given and that makes easier to understand the city. Melbourne is metropolitan city, Melbourne is events everywhere at the same time, Melbourne is life in every streets and in every corner. It is the place to hang out for a coffee, for a drink or for food. It's rich of young people, creative minds and extravagant characters. Go for a stroll i...

Relaxing Adelaide city, SA

If you know Adelaide and think about it, what pops in your mind is green and nature, excellent food and wines with elegant restaurants, wide and spacious boulevards with shops and heritage buildings. Adelaide has a relaxed lifestyle and sits 20 minutes from the beaches and/or from the hills, plus is a very green city, because it contains 29 parks, each which unique characters. The first colonists arrived here in 1836 and started to build in stone, leaving beautiful architectural heritage that is preserved and maintained. Adelaide hosts some different cultural event year around: the Adelaide Festival held in March, WOMADelaide, Adelaide Fringe, Feast Festival, Adelaide Cabaret Festival and Adelaide Festival Of Ideas. Culturally speaking, it has a lot to offer and it's home to a beautiful museum with aboriginal heritage and history, The South Australian Museum that includes the Australian Aboriginal Cultures Gallery. There are also numerous sporting events, including San...